James Earlywine

James Earlywine

Design - Architect - Build

Indianapolis, IN

Contact Me

About Me

I've been building web applications for 21 years. The first eight (8) years as a freelancer and soloprenuer, then 13 years as a professional software engineer.

These days, I enjoy architecting and building distributed reactive systems, leveraging cloud native technologies. I hesitate to ever call myself an expert at anything. :)

  • I like working on a dynamic team - where each member provides good leadership in one moment, and good followership in the next.
  • I prefer to work on teams where we collaborate creatively, then tackle chunks of the work autonomously.
  • I like working on a flat team of seasoned professionals, who engage in healthy intellectually-honest debate and can have fun in the process.
  • I like to build cool stuff with cool people
    • The coolest stuff I've ever built was designed by talented, brilliant ui/ux designers.
    • I've been skilling up on visual design, and Figma best practices, in my spare time.
  • I prefer to build teams where we all can see each other clearly, to find our optimal equilibrium, and hit our stride.
    • This only happens in an environment that fosters trust, where we can be candid about who we are
    • sharing our strengths, difficulties, and especially comfortable sharing our mistakes, as part of our life-long journey of continuous learning and professional growth.
  • I prefer to tackle new challenges vs. cranking out incremental features on mature products.

Fun facts about me: I'm an INTJ-A (Myers-Briggs). I can un-scramble a rubiks cube in less than 2 minutes. I like to play guitar, sing and hang out with my three-year-old son. :)

You can locate me here on the DISC chart:

If you're into Lumina Spark, you can read my full Lumina Spark Portrait or my abbreviated Lumina Splash.

TLDR summary:

Current Project



Staff Engineer - AWS Solutions Architect

September 2022: Access & Entitlements squad - "chief architect" for all things AWS, as we designed and built a custom Attribute-Based-Access-Control (ABAC) Authorization Service.

January 2022: Research Views squad - designed and built a full-stack text-to-speech solution, to make research content more accessible.

Guilds: Testing Guild, Backend Guild, Architecture Review

Tech: AWS [Lambda, ApiGateway, StepFunctions, S3, DynamoDB+Streams, SQS, Eventbridge, CodeBuild/CodePipeline/Canaries, Neptune/OpenCypher/Gremlin, Polly], MSSQL, Splunk, Jest, Cypher, Typescript/Node

Side Project

ProcessProof.com (2023)


Principal Developer

ProcessProof will be a web application for process servers to manage jobs, log service attempts, and generate affidavits.

This project is currently in the "idea" phase, and I'm working on it in my spare time. I'm hoping to have a working prototype 2024.

I might never have the bandwidth and resources to bring this to market in a way that can compete with the other players - but an old friend wanted me to make this, so I started a side project. :)

(also, I wanted to level up on Figma)

Tech: AWS [Lambda, ApiGateway, Docker, S3, SSM, CDK/Cloudformation, DynamoDB+Streams, Eventbridge, CloudwatchLogs, Aurora], AuraDB/Neo4j/OpenCypher Typescript, Node, NestJs?, Angular, NGPrime UI KIt, Jest, Cypress, HTML, CSS

Past Projects

eDMEPlus.com (2018)


Team Developer

eDMEPlus is a platform that automates the ordering and delivery of durable medical equipment (DMEs). It heuristically builds orders from various contexts, according to evolving industry standards for "document interoperability" in electronic health records (EHRs).

The screenshots are from a dev instance, with dummy data. While they aren't much to look at, this iteration was actually quite improvement over what we had before. :)

Tech: AWS [EC2, S3, RDS], Jenkins, Docker, Nginx, Postgres, Java, Groovy, Grails2/3, Spring, Javascript, Typescript, AngularJS, Angular, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Spock, Protractor

TheFinerYears.com (2017)

TheFinerYears Image

Principal Developer

This was built to be a "category killer", to compete against all the pamplets and magazines you see in doctors offices, hospitals, drug stores, etc. (10 week project)

The code samples provided are not a fully-functional project - key environment variables/secrets are not included, and no scripts are provided to automate the provisioning of data and caching resources.

Tech: AWS [EC2, S3, RDS], Mysql, PHP5, Laravel, Javascript, AngularJS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

3rd Party Integrations: GoogleMaps, Facebook (login)

SummerCamps Guide (2016)

SummerCampsGuide Image

Principal Developer

This was a collaboration between marketing and newsroom, to inform the public of local summer camps. It was an adaptation/re-purposing of a Craft Beer Guide we'd built a year before.

Tech: AWS [EC2, S3, RDS] Mysql, PHP5, Laravel, Javascript, AngularJS, Ionic, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

3rd Party Integrations: Facebook (sharing), GoogleMaps, GoogleMapsDirections

Principal Developer

This internal project was a data visualization tool for demonstrating to advertising clients our capacity to do a deep analysis of ad campaign performance.

I may have a version of this that runs a bit smoother at the end, will look later.

Tech: Javascript, JQuery, D3JS, HandlebarsJS, HTML, SVG, CSS, Bootstrap

IndianaSportsAwards (2015)

IndianaSportsAwards Image

Principal Developer

This was built as a collaboration with the newsroom. Coaches from schools across Indiana nominate student athletes for recognition each week.

Students are aggregated so that the public can vote "Athlete of the Month" in each sports category. At the end of the year, the winners are aggregated into a final "Athlete of the Year" in each category.

An awards ceremony is then held to recognize the winners and their achievement with actual physical awards. In 2015 it was held at Clowes Memorial Hall, in 2016 it was held at Lucas Oil Stadium. Lots of sponsorship for the site and the ceremony.

The live site seems to be gone, I'll work on getting a demo site up for portfolio purposes soon.

Tech: AWS [EC2, S3, RDS], Mysql, PHP5, Laravel, Javascript, AngularJS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

3rd Party Integrations: Facebook and Twitter (sharing)

Principal Developer

This was built to facilitate a coloring contest that previously had no digital presence. Applicants can download the page and color it by hand, or color it online.

I resurrected this old Angular 1.x/Laravel 5.x site for demo purposes - it's not fully functional, but you can play around with the crayons. :)

Tech: AWS [EC2, S3], Mysql, PHP5, Laravel, Javascript, AngularJS, FabricJS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

3rd Party Integrations: Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Pintrest (sharing), GoogleSheets (persistence)

Publications Bookshelf (2015)

PublicationsBookshelf Image

Principal Developer

This was a project to add value to various publications that are traditionally printed in the newspaper, adding a digital component to the publication that could be linked from the indystar.com site/platform (content, ads, etc).

The live site seems to be gone, I'll work on getting a demo site up for portfolio purposes soon.

Tech: AWS [EC2, S3, RDS] Mysql, PHP5, Laravel, Javascript, AngularJS, HTML, SVG, CSS, Bootstrap

Principal Developer

We designed and built this in less than week, yay! :)

This sample has been adapted for demo purposes - the email and sharing functionality have been intentionally disabled.

Tech: Javascript, JQuery, PHP5, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Angies List Grand Prix (2015)

KentuckyKingdom Image

Principal Developer

Another micro-site we put together on short-order. Each numbered location on the map has pop-overs with pictures and video from that vantage point on the track, and information about the events happening there during the race.

Tech: AWS [EC2, S3], PHP5, Laravel 4.2, Javascript, AngularJS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Craft Beer Guide (2014)

CraftBeerGuide Image

Principal Developer

This was a collaboration between marketing and newsroom, to inform the public of local breweries and beers.

Breweries could pay for premium listings - more prominent location in the directory, additional information about their beer offerings, etc.

We later expanded to include distilleries and wineries.

The live site seems to be gone, I'll work on getting a demo site up for portfolio purposes soon.

Tech: AWS [EC2, S3, RDS] Mysql, PHP5, Laravel, Javascript, AngularJS, Ionic, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

3rd Party Integrations: Facebook (sharing), GoogleMaps, GoogleMapsDirections

General IndyStar/Gannett stuff (2013 - 2017)

I worked on a special projects team as the sole developer for all the things we built.

  • DataIngestion - ingest local events data from WestWorldMedia xml feeds, into our events platform.
  • Migration - migrate local events data from legacy EventTracker platform, to PlanetDiscover platform.
  • Integration with various analytics platforms (Adobe Omniture, Google Analytics, MathTag, CRMs) and other data collecting/aggregating/reporting
  • Templating engine/language to facilitate frequent ad-creation by non-technocal stakeholders (basically a bunch of angular directives, commonly-used graphics, seasonal templates, etc)
  • Novelties like "What's your Derby Horse Name" and "April Fooler (news story spoofer for sharing on social media)"
  • Seasonal digital displays/promotions, like "Holiday Window Shopping", "Holiday Hooplah", "Turkey Coloring Contest", "CircleOfLights Coloring Contest", etc.
  • Lead-generating promotional pages and microsites.
  • White-boxed these solutions for use by other newspapers/markets in Indiana and Kentucky
My portfolio doesn't include all the things we did, but hopefully you get a general idea.

VP of Technology (2011 - 2014)

ViewYou.com is was an online video resume platform, and provided video tools for employers to send pre-interview questionnaires to applicants.

Job candidates would then record short video answers, using their webcam-enabled device (like their laptop).

Small startup, part-time gig while I was in grad school. It's been a few years, but here's what I remember:

  • Co-branded landing/signup pages as needed to support strategic partnerships.
  • Custom search functionality UIs for data partners
  • "Buckets" UI for organization of "pre-interview" applicants
  • Javascript client library for simple video integration on partner sites.
  • General cloud server administration (AWS & Rackspace)

This project was sunsetted sometime in 2017 I think.

Tech: AWS [EC2, S3, RDS], Rackspace, MongoDB, Mysql, PHP5, Laravel, Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, CloudFlare

3rd Party Integrations:TokBox, Viddler, Stripe, Shopify, AWS, Cloudflare, MongoHQ, Mailgun